J.G. Ballard
- J.G. BALLARD - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper. It appears as the cover of "STARMONT READERS'S GUIDE No. 26".
I have read only a few short stories by Ballard, and one novel. I read that novel because Avon Books was going to publish it, "The Crystal World," and they asked me to do the cover painting. The novel is about a world catastrophe where everything on earth is crystallizing, the rivers, the oceans, plant life, everything. When I read the story I was absorbed with it from page one right through to the last page. Wonderful story!
But in this real world that we live in, we are not under the threat of some global environmental catastrophe, in spite of the constant warning that the sky is falling because of theoretical Global Warming. The great tragedy we face today is this; Every person in America is now in danger of being shot down or blown up in a public place. Which sounds like an hysterical thing to write . . .
But not to those who went to work in the Oklahoma City Federal building on April 19, 1995 . . .
Not to those who went to work at the Twin Towers in NY, or to the Pentagon, or were passengers on airliners used as bombs by terrorists on 9/11/2001 . . .
Not to those near the finish line at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013 . . .
Not to the 6 year old children who were mowed down in their classroom . . .
Not to the men and women at a church meeting who were gunned down . . .
Not to that beautiful young lady who was walking with her father in San Francisco and was shot dead by an illegal alien . . .
And certainly NOT to the terrorists who are, right now, planning to place a few bombs inside a shopping mall. Or, to the lunatic armed with guns, who is headed for the same movie theater that you are driving to . . .
What is frustrating to me, is that I know what to do about all this, but I don't have the power to do it! I bet you feel the same way . . .

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